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Signs You May Need To Detox…

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“The body knows when you are in alignment, and it is up to you to listen to your human. To take action on the sticky, step into the uncomfortable, embrace the unknown, and surrender to synchronized transformation. That is where evolution takes place. When you embrace your spirit and your heart, even if it is scary …”

The Art of Bouncing Back.

Shit is bound to hit the fan. That is life baby. When does radical transformation happen? According to Oren Harris, breakthroughs happen through inspiration or challenge. At this point in my life I have faced so many different sides of my identity that I have nearly mastered the art of bouncing back. What does identity and suffering have in common… well it’s through embracing the evolving identity that we endure potentially heartbreaking and painful situations. Let me fucking tell you, I have degraded myself in so many ways in an attempt to feel accepted, that I can’t even count on my fingers the amount of knockdowns I have had. Yet I have also created some of my happiest moments through being in the void of the unknown. We mourn previous identities because they are attached to moments, people, things, and ideas, that we once thought were our forever. I can speak on personal experiences here.

Let’s take it back to my mother’s womb… My memories of this place were not warm and nurturing, they were sterile and uninviting. I didn’t feel like I belonged there, in fact throughout pregnancy my mother was very ill. Even after birth we we’re lethally ill together. This would piggy back into my entire childhood and adolescence. The feeling of being a burden. So from this age a survival tactic I learned was adapting to environments. I used to consider myself a chameleon and take pride in the fact that I could fit in anywhere. I used this in a way as somewhat of an experiment to try new things or be new persons. I fall in love so easily because of my curiosity to culture and people. On this journey I’ve learned and am still learning how to communicate with my ever changing personalities. It’s one of my greatest strengths and ultimate weaknesses.

The correlation between identity + spirit + emotions + detoxes lies between the unknown and the uncomfortable.

R.I.P “Here Lies The Old You”

When we outgrow old identities, there will be an inevitable pain. As always, we have options… First off we must learn to recognize when our human is trying to communicate that it is time to evolve. According to Harris, whispers start to surface and if they go unacknowledged, they begin to scream. Yesterday before listening to a talk Oren Harris had given, I had a breakthrough in the morning and the exact words came out of my mouth in regards to detoxing. Synchronicities are undeniable and we can’t make that shit up.

Whispers come through in form of our heart and spirit. Heart being emotions and spirit being passion/flow state. If we ignore our calling and suppress our emotions, we are declaring to the universe that we are fine living a life dedicated to someone else’s desires.

Embracing Change With Grace

I am a serial identity hopper. My environment and upbringing taught me to live life in the uncomfortable. So much so, when things become repetitive or stable (comfortable if you will) I look for ways to disrupt the stillness. I have embraced the uncomfortable and am fully driven on fear of the unknown. Which is somewhat funny to me, because it is often the other way around. I thrive on starting from scratch.

Embracing change doesn’t have to be so Hollywood or Telenovella… What do I mean by that? Dramatic. If we learn how to acknowledge the whispers we do not have to undergo the screams. Whispers can look like irritation or excitement.. flat tires or parking tickets. Screams can look like getting fired or burning bridges, losing friends or ruining romantic relationships. When we learn to embrace our emotions and follow our passion and energy, we can then fully understand where our boundaries lie and that is the mother fucking gold mine. Knowing what your boundaries are for who you are right now.

You can then communicate, this relationship isn’t serving me or I am unhappy with my pay. Instead of staying in the relationship or in that job that is fully taking advantage of you the toxic opportunity to remain comfortable. That is when shit hits the fan. But remember… you have options.

Healthy Coping Mechanisms Vs Toxic Repetition

It’s a viscous cycle that starts when you neglect your needs. How do you communicate your needs if you don’t know what you want? How do you understand what you want when your happiness depends on some elses approval? When is enough enough?

The moment you touch lips with the uncertainty of your spirit and heart is the moment you must drop everything and return to the basics. Ego and pride (maybe even society, who said that) will tell you the opposite. Numb your subconscious… Binge watch Netfilx, eat that over processed bagofshit, drink until you can’t hear the whispers, overwork yourself to feel worthy, fuck until the sun comes up… but I can promise you, none of this will fill the void.

Here is where I want to remind you, if you are in that cycle that is ok! The most important thing is to be mindful of your internal dialogue. To practice unconditional love and presence with your self.

Defining your own set of healthy coping mechanisms is completely bio individual. Meaning there is no right or wrong here. If you like walks on the beach by all means my guy, stick those little piggies in the sand and show some gratitude for this beautiful existence. But whatever “the basics” mean to you, return to them. My reset always starts with a detox. When my gut is clouded with over indulgences, my spirit is neglected and the root of my emotions are unidentifiable. So I either approach the whispers with grace and return to my basics or I have completely dissolved my sense of self and have no other option than to redefine my basics . So ultimately it is up to us to decide whether or not we burn that bitch (our old self) to the ground or tuck her into the casket and walk away from things that no longer serve us.


The life we have is so precious and the time we have is so short. We are doing a disservice to our community and to this planet when we make the conscious decision to live for someone else. When we follow our truth, when we live in unison with our mind, body, and spirit, magic happens. Synchronicity is at every corner, the toxic patterns and people dissolve… Embrace the unknown and take pride in your unique human, and if you need help...

Let’s work together.

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